
Thursday, December 17, 2015

What is Senna Tea?

Senna Leaf Tea and It’s Wonderful Benefits

The question is, what are senna leaf tea health benefits? For centuries, senna leaf has been used in making herbal teas, for purging and in managing weight loss. The components that makes senna work for these things are anthraquinone derivatives along with their glucosides that functions as a local irritant on the colon, as mentioned in Livertox. This active components promote peristalsis and evacuation of unwanted things inside the bowel.

Furthermore, it also enhances the intestinal fluid accumulation and increases the moisture content of stool by making some sort of reaction in the colon inhibiting electrolyte and water reabsorption.

Constipation Issues? Take Senna Tea

Everyone should observe if they are experiencing less than three bowel movements per week or if the stool is harder than usual. This signifies constipation, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Many factors may contribute to constipation and some are stress, chronic disease, lack of exercise, or certain medications. Some people advise senna leaf laxative tea for constipation as it readily and rapidly fixes the issue of hard and infrequent bowel movement. But go talk to a doctor first before making your own decision.

Drink Senna Tea for immediate Weight Loss

Most instant weight loss products involve the feeling frequent bowel movement making the person have the need to eject whatever is in it. This is how does senna tea work for weight loss. Thus, the body resorts to using the reserved fats, calories, proteins and carbohydrates to replenish whatever nutrients the body needs. In effect, the person loses weight immediately. But this is not advisable in the long term as experts have strongly stated that they are against long-term use of senna in whatever reason it may be.

Where to Find Organic Senna Leaf Tea

Some health food store or online stores sell the herb, or a ready to use teabag for easier preparation. This is where to buy senna tea for diet and detox. Some people drink senna tea once in a while for body detox which cleanses the body from the toxins that could result to illnesses and irregularities. The Diet Spotlight has some pretty good review of senna.

Watch this video about Senna Herb Tea Health Benefits and Side Effects

The post What is Senna Tea? appeared first on Senna Leaf Tea.

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